Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Wish me luck!

This, like many other weeks, has been a very busy one!

Yesterday I went to a professors house with several other seniors to talk and enjoy wine and cheese, and it was wonderful to get off campus for a little bit and catch up with some of the girls I haven't seen as much all semester.

Tonight I'm going to a dinner with all the other accepted American Culture Program students, as well as past participants, to celebrate the program's 16 years in existence here at R-MWC.

Thursday I will present on my senior paper topic for political science, which is basically a presentation explaining to the class what I'll be looking at in my senior paper. Having read parts of a great book I received last week, I can definitely see my paper expanding into independent study next semester if I wanted to do that.

This weekend, I'm excited to report that I'll be headed over to Hampton Virginia to compete for the titles of Miss Hampton Holly Days Festival and Miss Hampton Newport News. The directors have been wonderful already, and it would be great to work with them as a local titleholder!

On Monday, I'm going to be participating in a bridal photoshoot for the YWCA here in Lynchburg. The YWCA also operates the Domestic Violence Prevention Center, where I have been interning since August. The staff at the office really wanted me to participate in the shoot. I'll be featured in all the ads for the YWCA Bridal Shop, which sells gently used and donated new gowns here in Lynchburg. We're also having our hair and makeup done professionally, and traveling to a beautiful manor to get the photos done. This seemed like such a fun opportunity and a unique way to help out the shelter beyond my everyday responsibilities, so I'm really excited about being one of the models! I was told we'll also be on a website, so maybe I can link that once the pictures are done!

On Tuesday I have a biology exam and then Thanksgiving break begins, and I'm really looking forward to the chance to relax, finish my graduate school applications, and cook food for friends.

With all that said, I need all your good luck wishes for this week!

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