Monday, December 28, 2009
The end of 2009
The best parts of the year, in my opinion:
1. Developing my own self-esteem program and presented it to over 1,000 area Girl Scouts. I met some of the most inspiring young ladies I have ever known and fine-tuned my public speaking.
2. Working harder than anything to get to Miss Virginia. It was truly my 100% best effort this year. I worked out at 5:30 in the morning with my trainer, drove 7 hours each week to practice my talent, and marketed myself to the best of my ability, raising over $600 for my state wardrobe. I stuck with it through many times I felt like I wasn't good enough. My proudest moment? Feeling relieved and not devastated when I didn't make the top ten. I was so proud that I was completely ME the whole week. I even said in my interview that whoever won should at least win being themselves because it would be hard to maintain a false persona for a year. So, if I wasn't the best for the job, I went away happy knowing that I'm confident in who I am, swimsuit body or not.
3. Somehow making the best of a terrible research project last Spring.
4. Meeting John, now my boyfriend, and all of the interesting experiences we've had over the last year exploring Virginia.
5. Making more of an effort to keep up with college friends.
6. Moving out of an apartment and into a beautiful house.
7. Eating much healthier, losing four dress sizes prior to June.
Things I'm looking forward to next year?
1. New car
2. PhD acceptance letters
3. Hopefully being chosen to travel to London to represent Girl Scouts at a national conference.
4. Presenting my own research at a conference in Roanoke in April.
5. Moving to Maryland with John.
6. Exercising for my own health and not some sick perceived version of an ideal woman. Not skipping meals.
Happy New Year, all!
Sunday, December 13, 2009
The Food Thing
If you're curious about what my boyfriend and I fight about the most, you'd be surprised. Although we rarely fight, there has been one subject that has come up before: food.
Now, I admit: I'm the weird one here. I'm possessive about my food in a way that only Depression-era survivors should be. It's like in the back of my mind I'm terrified it's going to run out. And sometimes, I take that out on John.
I stick to a fierce budget in the grocery store. That means that things are always great later on- bills are paid, gas tanks are full, heat remains on. And I admit, there's always a little cushion each month left over, but inevitably there comes up things that you forgot about- oil changes, prescriptions, etc that suck up the extra money.
I am also a pro at the grocery store. my mom used to joke that you could ask the price of milk and I'd know the price at every store in town. That's fairly true. I keep an eye on prices everywhere. I shop at Kroger when we need to build up the gas prices and pick up produce, and stick to Food Lion when we're on a budget.
Now I should point out that there's never been a time in my life I went without food (surely, the negative nancies who always made fun of me for being "fat" in pageant land are laughing now). We always had plenty of food as kids. Maybe it stems from having three siblings and pets who were always stealing your stash. I remember in particular a bag of candy hearts I got as a gift. I returned to the house a few hours later to only find the empty bag.
So what is it about me that makes me act this way? I guess part of me looks forward to special treats like candy hearts and then feels devastated to discover my special treat isn't there.
This week, it was hot chocolate. I'll be spending a total of four hours watching other people take exams this week and I thought it would be nice to sit there with my mug of hot chocolate. I write to you two days after my purchase of a ten-packet box. It is now empty.
Now, this isn't something that's that expensive. but it's just irritating. I don't have time for another trip to the grocery. Plus, someone stole my identity last week and I don't have a debit card since the stolen number card has been canceled. So I only have a few dollars on hand. So, it's a huge pain to get back into the grocery!
Some might say that if this is my biggest issue, I don't have much to worry about. But in the spirit of a new year approaching, i'm acknowledging my weakness. What's yours?
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
An Important Update
An Update:
A long-needed update for my blog readers:
I have elected to not participate any longer in pageants through the Miss America Organization. At this time, I’m considering this my “retirement” from pageants.
When I was 16 years old, a friend dared me to enter a beauty pageant. What followed was a 7-year experience that truly developed me into the person I am today. When I started competing, I had no self-confidence, I was terrified of speaking in front of people, and I walked hunched over because I hated my height.
Only a few people even remember that Laura- close friends who were present those many years ago when I had no self-esteem. I write to you now a month before my 24th birthday as a teaching assistant, accomplished public speaker, and a confident future PhD.
There were many reasons that brought me to this decision, but at the root of my choice is the fact that I no longer have the desire to be Miss
That said, I don’t believe that I have much more to gain from this program. I feel like it’s a curve that eventually hits diminishing marginal returns- while I gained self-confidence at the beginning, it started to fade away at the end. My body is a size ten. I’m 5’11 and 160 pounds- and that’s fine with me. I’m not going to work out three hours a day any more, not going to compromise my health by eating like a bird, and I’m not going to feel bad about the fact that I will never have the body type of many of the girls competing.
This is just no longer my dream. While I really believed in Miss
At the end of the day, it’s not Laura to be up on stage teetering around in heels trying to get the approval of seven random people about my body or my twenty years of tap dancing. I’m one semester away from getting my master’s, and I’ve just finished my PhD applications. I’m more excited about THAT even though it requires even more hard work. When I think about the potential of heading back to Roanoke, the overwhelming feeling is dread- waking up at 4 AM to hit the gym then a day full of classes, driving 7 hours each week to practice my dance, and battling my body, cutting out medications that help me deal with migraines because they make me gain ten pounds, and then questioning who I am if I get “rejected” for the position.
When I started pageants in 2002, I did them once a year with American Coed Pageants. I always enjoyed this pageant because they celebrated who each girl was and didn’t make anyone feel fat or ugly. I competed at their national pageant in 2006, and I wanted to end where I started- so I returned there this Thanksgiving to compete one more time, where I was named 1st runner up in talent and 4th runner up overall. If I ever do another pageant again, it would be this one. I had a great time, enjoyed seeing old friends, and felt like the old Laura.
I’ve met so many wonderful friends through this program and will always hold those relationships close to me.
So, I’m moving on positively and not taking for granted all the special experiences I had as a titleholder and will use that community service to continue working with young women and people interested in tap dancing.
With all this being said, I’m not sure what the future of this blog is. I may not continue writing, I may continue. I’m not sure. But for now, I’m going to take some much needed time off to focus on my research, school, and my life as “Laura” and not as any particular titleholder.
Best of luck to all the women planning to continue to compete.
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Echoing an Important Post
I frequently check out Abby B's blog because it's chock full of pageant information and the latest Miss Ohio preliminary results. Her latest post, however, seems pertinent for not only contestants but fans, parents and friends. I think it's important to address this issue because I've known countless people who follow them and take what they say seriously.
The post is about pageant messageboards- otherwise known as places where contestants are trashed, directors are ripped apart, and even teen girls sometimes get made fun of. I remember the first time I ever found them- it was after my second preliminary pageant in Virginia and I had a google alert set to my name. I happened upon an anonymous website where numerous people wrote that I was overweight, untalented, stupid, etc. Here's what I believe- if someone has something to tell you to help you as a contestant, they will find your email or talk to your local director. These messageboards are NOT helpful places to improve and instead are just full of random garbage. My best advice is to just ignore them, particularly if you do win a local and are preparing for state. Focus on your preparation- not some anonymous person's opinion of what's wrong with you. This program is supposed to be about building women up, not ripping them apart. So just ignore them! Believe me you CAN do it :)
Check out Abby's post which talks about this issue.
Monday, November 2, 2009
Graduate Student of the Month
Click Here
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Your Guide to Grad School: Part 1
1. When you're considering programs, make a list of what you're looking for: professors with certain interests, percentage of students who get funded, library size, etc.
2. Contact professors at every school you're applying to. If possible, visit every school. An in-person presence makes a big difference as far as seeing if you really like the place and could up your chances of getting money in the department.
3. Even if you did well in your field as an undergrad, consider reading the basic books of the field the summer before. That way it won't feel like a huge onslaught when you're dumped on with thirty thick theoretical books.
4. Talk to older grad students. My first year, I literally would have been clueless if I didn't follow the lead or ask questions of the second-year students. They were experts on what classes were good, getting summer positions, preparing a thesis committee, and choosing PhD programs.
5. Work as a TA. If you want to be in academia, you need to do this. Maybe working as a TA will clue you in that you DON'T want to teach, but if you're like me, it will confirm your career choice.
More grad school posts on the way...
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Virginia Gubernatorial Race
News articles across the country are looking to the
In a state where its own residents (including me) are sick of the non-stop ads cluttering up television between the two candidates, this race is about more than who will be governor come January.
Political pundits predict that the outcome of this election will demonstrate where Americans in general stand. Democrats are certainly more subdued this year as opposed to last fall, when they were energized to the point of helping elect Barack Obama. Now, the Republicans are building momentum and in many polls Republican Bob McDonnell is far outleading Creigh Deeds.
Even though many might think
Negative ads can have effects on either side of the party line. Negative ads can charge up party faithfuls by making them think that the race is close and they need to get out and vote, or they can irritate the opposite party and get those people out to vote. The fact is, though, it’s an off year. People just don’t come out to vote for governor (and many other offices) when it’s not a presidential year. Maybe people are worn out from last year.
Regardless of the outcome, it is possible that
But please, candidates, stop pretending you’re going to be generous with taxes.
Monday, October 19, 2009
Congrats Miss Roanoke Valley!
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Maryland Renaissance Festival
I can't believe how busy things have been! I'm excited to say that my master's thesis research is well under way and currently waiting for approval for the testing of human subjects. I think the result next spring will be something I'm very proud of.
I'm knee deep in PhD applications and GRE flashcards, which is less than fun, but an important stepping stone to my future.
This weekend I spent up in Maryland with my boyfriend and his family visiting a boat show and the Maryland Renaissance Festival. I have to say, the festival blew my mind! I was expecting a few tents and some food vendors; the buildings were instead long-standing and half the size of the world's best amusement park, Cedar Point, near where I grew up. They had incredible shows- sword swallowers, jousting, tightrope walkers. Great food!
John wanted my hair to be braided by the professionals there and it was fantastic! Lots of compliments on it and so nice to have my hair off my face and neck in such a pretty way!
The Festival is open for two more weekends in Crownsville, MD and I highly recommend checking it out!
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Announcing an exciting community service project!
The VT Dress Drive will be collecting dresses from the Tech community, the local area around here, and girls across the state.
Do you have formalwear in your closet that you just can't use anymore? Want to donate it to a good cause?
Caitlin's Closet collects gently used gowns to donate them to girls who need them. The gowns give girls the opportunity to attend special formal events in high school. Everyone wants that chance to participate in these events without the high costs of purchasing expensive gowns!
While cleaning out my own pageant closet a few weeks ago, there were two gowns that just don't fit and I don't need anymore. I know I'm not the only one! If you are a titleholder in the Miss or Teen division in any pageant, please consider contributing to this great cause! I'll be happy to accept gowns though the mail if you contact me at
This is a great opportunity to clean out your closet and help somebody else!
Monday, October 5, 2009
Exploring Virginia : Sinkland Farms
The finished products!
A small view of the pumpkin patch
This weekend I visited a very popular local attraction, Sinkland Farms. This farm has an ice cream parlor, petting zoo, pony rides, hay rides, local craft vendors, a corn maze, and a huge pumpkin patch! We were successful in finding two great pumpkins to carve and had a great afternoon. The weather could not have been better.
Sinkland Farms is just outside of Christiansburg, Virginia and well worth your visit. The pumpkin festival happens every weekend until November 8th!
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Congrats Anna Reis, Miss Portsmouth!
This weekend in Ohio, my friend Anna Reis won the title of Miss Portsmouth! Anna will be headed to Miss Ohio next June. I've been helping Anna prepare for pageants for over a year, and she is truly a sweet girl! She had only competed in one other Miss Ohio local this year, so I'm really proud of her!
Great job to my favorite Minnie Driver lookalike!
Thursday, September 24, 2009
I have been extremely busy and have several updates! This last Saturday my boyfriend and I went to go visit Natural Bridge. Even though I lived nearby in Lynchburg for 4.5 years, I never went to go see it! It was absolutely beautiful, and interesting historically. George Washington himself actually surveyed the area and left his initials carved into the rocks. I highly recommend visiting this place. We got a military discount and it worked out to about $23 per person to see the bridge, Native American village, wax museum, caverns, and a toy museum! I suggested going because I didn't know how much longer the good weather would last.
On Tuesday we went up to Arlington for a military funeral of one of John's relatives. Even though it was very sad, it was neat to get to come through the cemetary from a different perspective. There were a fair amount of military funerals happening that day and it was sobering to see the official flag-draped coffins passing by on the walkways. It made me proud to see how many people have given their lives to service.

And Miss VA 08 shaved her head! I'm so proud of Tara for continuing her legacy and doing this. She has done amazing things for children her entire life and her year as Miss Virginia still remains sometime I will always recall with fondness. I was spoiled having her in Roanoke and I'm very proud to call her a friend!
And finally, on top of all my other responsibilities, I'm taking a sewing class! I thought it would be fun since I've only sewed a little in Home Ec in middle school. My grandmother was a wonderful seamstress and since she passed down the tap dancing genes, maybe I got these, too. After struggling to find something easy enough to make in six weeks, I settled on pajama pants. Guess how much length we had to add to the legs to make them fit me? 8 inches! Guess this is the upside to sewing my own pants- they will finally be long enough!
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Research and Publishing
So, my blog is going to take a slight turn while still including some pageant-related news. I've found very little general resources for graduate students about all these things that are a key part of our life. Over the next several months, I hope to use my passion for teaching politics to channel that into some posts as well as talking about the ins and outs of getting research done!
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Quest for the Prius
When you drive a car like that, you just get used to it.
I haven't had air conditioning in my car since the summer of 2008. It has been brutal in the Virginia humidity. Last year, I accidentally locked my keys in my car running in the rain on my way to Miss Roanoke Valley. I had to wedge the back window down with my elbow to get in. It was terrible, and you can tell in all pictures that I had had quite a time. Any time it rains, I also have to make the decision of whether to get soaked or keep cool. Needless to say, I'm glad fall is here.
My car is so old it doesn't have any of the modern contraptions that help keep you on the road in winter, either. I slid off the road in an Ohio winter two years ago. Never again.
I've been dreaming of owning a Prius for some time. After spending so much time on the road and having to deal with fluctuating gas prices, it's important. Last semester I went to Richmond at least once a week. Yes, that's a 3.5 hour drive each way from here. Gas is important.
When my boss/advisor found out about this, he channeled his love for Subway into collecting the little Subway stamps for the Scrabble game to help me win a Prius, if possible. Honestly, if I don't get it now, I do plan to get it at the beginning of 2010. But it has turned into a great class-wide project. In one of the classes I TA, a student had taken her entire biology lab to Subway and she said "Laura, in my hand I hold 8 chances for a Prius." Will I likely win a Prius? Probably not.
But it's nice to know that other people support my quest for an eco-friendly, cute, blue Prius.
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Congratulations, Shannon Beam!

Tonight in Hoopeston, Illinois, Shannon Beam was named the winner of the Sweetheart pageant. This pageant is for runners up from state Miss America pageants to have the chance to enjoy being "Miss State" for the week and compete against other women from all over the country.
Shannon was first runner up at the Miss Virginia pageant this past June as Miss Greater Richmond; she had previously been 2nd runner up as Miss Central Virginia. She is pictured here before her interview at the Hotel Roanoke in the 2009 Miss Virginia Pageant.
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Foodies Unite

If you've haven't seen the Julie/Julia movie yet, you need to. I was really impressed with this movie for a few reasons. Like several of the movies I've seen randomly and really fallen in love with, I didn't know that much about it before chancing upon it at the theater with my mom. I've since seen it again with my boyfriend and despite the economics of diminishing marginal utility, I loved it more!
It's no surprise I love food. Perhaps it's why I just could never starve myself to compete in a swimsuit! I love cooking when I have time. Even though this semester I have a great deal on my plate with thesis writing, helping teach two classes, writing a book (I know, exciting!), and applying to PHD programs, I decided to get back into cooking. Last year I lived in an apartment with a very tiny kitchen, but this is the year of upgrades in many ways and my new place has a great kitchen!
This year is a great opportunity to get back into cooking and enjoy the food. ( Fact: I haven't eaten a single wrap since Miss Virginia the end of June.) Watching Meryl Streep's new movie definitely inspired me to continue on with cooking even though I come home exhausted from school and work half the time! I've tried recipes from a variety of different sources, some easier than others, but all have worked! Yes! I'm not a total failure at making food.
My first foray into cooking came when I lived in England for a year. I lived with 8 other women and we visited the dining hall once. That was enough to know that it simply wasn't going to suffice for food. I began cooking using (great for conversions and shifting to smaller portions, fyi) and recipes from my mom. Let me tell you, it's no fun cooking for one! I made that comment to a male co-worker once and he mistook it as a date invitation. Oops.
In any case, my housemates and I shifted cooking responsibility. It's much easier to cook for six or eight and have everyone chip in a small amount of money for groceries. I also cooked for my roommate a lot because we had similar taste and similar schedules. It was a great experience that pushed me into new territory and forced me to think ahead and eat healthier. England isn't really known for its food, but they have much less preservatives in anything (for example, milk only lasts four days or so) and once your stomach adjusts to that you feel much healthier.
I'm now moving on to breads and desserts in addition to just dinners. I've made some great ready-to-go lunches which are perfect for my schedule this year.
Sick of frozen Lean Cuisines and ordering pizza? Go see Julie/Julia and get some motivation. My new favorite are the betty crocker recipe books at the checkout with easy tear-out recipes. Check them out! We've had great fruit salad, pasta salad, parmesan chicken, and taco casserole from there!
Oh, and one more thing: God bless crock pots! If you don't have one, invest!
Sunday, August 30, 2009
A big thanks to two of my "sponsors"

One of my favorite pictures from Miss Virginia: Hair by Sarah Fitzpatrick, Makeup Kate Bixby
I wanted to give a shout-out to two people who really made the Miss Virginia experience all the better: Kate Bixby and Sarah Fitzpatrick. I met Sarah competing in Miss Virginia preliminaries last year and she's always funny and extremely helpful. Perhaps we developed a habit of her last-minute helping me: she made alterations to the evening gown I wore at Miss Hill City the week of the pageant. Both of these people helped me in very important ways: hair and makeup.
I wasn't born a "pageant girl" and I always joke with people that I just can't do my hair. I used to think it was certain lengths or styles, but no, I can't do my hair no matter what. It's also such a relief to have someone help you do your hair during pageant week because you already have so much on your mind. Sarah stepped in at the last minute to help because she's wonderful! She did a great job and I was incredibly blessed to have her help me out.
Now, on to Kate. Kate is a local Mary Kay consultant I met through my friend Erin. Erin, an office and classmate, has plugged me into so many local resources I will never be able to thank her. Not to mention that Erin, a graduate student with two small kids, a husband in a PHD program, and various volunteer positions, even DVRed the pageant to watch with said husband. Long story short, she's fantastic. I met Kate at a Blacksburg Newcomers Club meeting I went to several months ago to promote the Hope Project, which I've mentioned on this blog. I ended up meeting Kate, exchanging emails, and thus blossomed a great connection and friendship! If you've never tried Mary Kay products, I recommend it. I have extremely temperamental skin and their lotions especially are very gentle. The eye makeup remover is wonderful, and I've tried about every brand on the market. And pageant girl tip: you should never wear moisturizer with SPF in it the day you'll be on stage: it brings out the white in your skin under stage lights. You can always tell in pictures which times I forgot. Mary Kay makes two kinds of moisturizers, one with SPF and one without. They are both great and I can say this from personal experience!
I wanted to thank these two wonderful people for their help. I can promise any contestant that these people make a tremendous difference in your life and I know am so grateful for their help!
Friday, July 31, 2009
The summer so far
I can't even believe it's been over a month since I was in Roanoke in "pageant mode" competing. I've pretty much taken the summer off to spend time with family and friends, and it has been a good chance to do that. I really committed 100% of myself to my title this last year and it was like a full time job on top of being a full time grad student and being a teaching assistant. Looking back, my schedule was jam packed!
Now it's a different kind of busy. I've spent the summer showing various parts of my corner of the world where I grew up (northwest Ohio) to different people. I grew up 30 minutes from the best amusement park in the world (and no, don't even try to tell me that any six flags can compete. I think Cedar Point has been voted the best something like 7 years in a row), going to a waterpark, showing my boyfriend the Demolition Derby at our county fair, and last night I spent at the front row of an Eddie Money concert with my little brother.
Lots of people know that my brother and I are classic rock fanatics. We both taught ourselves to play bass as teenagers and appreciate that some things are just better "old". The opening band last night was a great rock cover band that has been performing for 33 years. We were shocked to get seats right in the front and I spent the night at Eddie's feet making sure my brother didn't get crushed (which almost happened when Doug dove to retrieve something Eddie threw into the crowd, which Doug did catch). Afterwards we met Eddie and had him sign some things. By far, this was the best concert I've ever been to. Eddie Money puts on a show, and his daughter who now performs with him, is extremely talented! Well worth it!
God sometimes works things out in a funny way, and I've said all along that I trust "the plan" even if it's sometimes disappointing in the short term. I've come to realize the incredible blessings I have with family, friends and education, so you won't catch me complaining anytime soon!
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
The return to life
I can’t believe that I’m sitting here and it’s been well over a week since I got home from Miss
During the last year, I have somehow balanced being a graduate student, a teaching assistant, and a beauty queen. I’ve spent Friday nights at Girl Scout meetings, woken up at
In my interview at
And I’ve been overwhelmingly touched by the people who believe I can do this. People who went out of their way to run through downtown
But most of all, my motivation came from somewhere else and will continue to do so throughout my life. In December, I spoke to a Girl Scout troop about bullying and self-esteem. Part of my presentation involves the girls standing up and saying something they like about themselves. One girl said “nothing.” When my presentation was over, I had the opportunity to speak to her personally. I’ll call her Mary. Mary is extremely young- not even a preteen. She wears a bandanna on her head every day because of her cancer treatments. She wanted to know how to get kids to stop making fun of her, calling her a boy, and trying to pull the bandanna off her head. She owns her own business, this little girl, and had raised over $1,000 which she wanted to give away. When I asked her what she wanted for Christmas, there was only one answer: her hair. This little girl jumped up when her mom got there to pick her up, asked for pictures with me, and told her mom that I “was the coolest.” I have spent the months following in an effort to make her proud- that one little girl- and to prove to all the little girls I met that you can do ANYTHING you want no matter what your background. Who you are inside is the most important. I said to many that come Saturday night at Miss
It’s getting to spend more time with people you know a little or don’t know at all. It’s finding a new friend in a fantastic baton twirler and laughing endlessly backstage with a piano player you’ve been volunteering with at VT for months. It’s joking with Farahn and Erika Thomas that we’re always banished to the back row for pictures so all the “tall freaks” are kept together. It’s getting to meet a Miss Lonesome Pine who shares the same love of “The Office” as you quote back and forth to each other all week. It’s spending time with people who live all the way across the state.
It’s about watching one of your closest friends get 2nd runner up to Miss
It’s about pushing yourself and challenging yourself to achieve new things.
When I couldn’t afford a swimsuit this year (let’s be honest, being a TA is a job of love, not of money…) I sent an email to everyone I knew, asking for $5. I raised $500 in one day. Alums from my college chipped in, my former employers, and a rotary club in southwest
Many people wouldn’t believe it, but to see the Laura from 6 or 7 years ago would mean seeing a very shy, unconfident girl. Someone terrified to speak in front of others. Here I am today, having taught a college course and been rated “excellent” by my own students my first try out of the gate. I’ve survived two years at Miss
It’s about being valued for your work ethic and brain only in one avenue (school) and also having the guts to put on four inch heels and a bikini.
Sure, I wanted to be Miss
Someone I owe a great deal to is Tara Wheeler, Miss Virginia 2008. It was such a blessing to have you living in
For me, this program was never about beautiful gowns, sparkling crowns, rhinestones, or makeup. This was about the opportunity to help other people believe in themselves. To show kids that anyone can and will go to college and be able to afford it. To show all my Girl Scouts that women are not one-dimensional (it is indeed possible to drive from a glamourous headshot photo session to your three hour presentation on ethics in international relations). I wanted people to see that tap dance can be modern and fun. Sure, the glamour of the week is fun, but ultimately, this is about a job. A chance to touch people’s lives. And it always will be. As nice as the trophies, crowns and sashes are, I know twenty years from now I’d rather look at my community service book and remember all the fun I had doing that.
As for now, I’m determined to enjoy my summer, relax, and not worry about competing again. I know the answer will come to me. You all know that I am not a person who gives up easily. I am headed home to help my mother move and spend time with friends and family. I promise to keep you updated J
Saturday, June 20, 2009
The last post
How can I hope to write about how I feel being about 7 days away from my departure? After over 8 months of hard work since my win as
I can truly say that I have no regrets. I have worked as hard as I possibly could. Has it been challenging to be a full time graduate student with teaching responsibilities and preparing for this? Absolutely. But I know the experience has only prepared me with the best time management skills that will certainly come in handy if I should be blessed with the job of Miss
During my time as
I’ve been blessed with incredible sponsors and people who have always taken a moment to help me out. Jen, Kate, Esther, Amanda, Terry, Carolyn, Garry, Erin, Anna, Shirley, Lori and all of Smithfield, Mary, Kelly and all at Glade Church, and EVERYBODY who has made this possible- thank you for believing in me! You’ve given me confidence on days when I might be a little weary or stressed out.
No matter how things fall out on the 27th, I am so proud of everything I’ve accomplished. I feel like I have achieved almost every goal I wanted to as
I believe in this program and in my ability to do a great job if chosen as Miss
Wish me luck!
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Miss Virginia Final Info
You can vote online at
It's .99 per vote like American Idol, but I'd love your support, even if it's just one vote!
Ticket information can be found at
The final show on Saturday, June 27th will be broadcast on the following stations:
TV stations:
WSET ABC 13 Roanoke/Lynchburg
WVIR NBC 29 Charlottesville
WJAL IND ch 68 Hagerstown, MD
WCYB CW 4 DT 28.3 Bristol/Tri-Cities, TN
WSKY IND ch 4 Norfolk/Hampton Roads/VA Beach
WRIC ABC 8 Richmond
WHSV MY VALLEY (NETWORK) TV WHSV-DT 49.4 Comcast ch 2, Direct TV 50 Harrisonburg
As we near the time I get ready to leave, I want to thank everyone for their continued support, words of encouragement, and belief in me!
Wish me luck,
Miss Hill City 2009
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
A few updates
I've had so many meetings, appearances, and connections with sponsors over the last few weeks that I've hardly had time to keep up with the everyday life I've got! School is finally finished but I'm still working on research, so spare minutes are spent going through books and starting to develop my thesis proposal. I am also finding it hard to believe that I am finished with half of my masters degree! Whew! I've also enjoyed catching up with friends when I can.
I have a few sponsor events coming up. I'll be participating in a fashion show on June 7th and I feel like I've been all over Virginia being fitted and getting ready! Only a few more meetings related to that and then we should be ready!
I'm starting to "pack" in my head just by thinking about the things I have left to acquire. This is the final stretch. It's something I've been trying to prepare myself for mentally for a while. No matter how well you plan, how hard you work, and how far in advance you start getting ready, the last few weeks are pure insanity. If you can survive it with a level head, Miss Virginia will be much easier!
Friday, May 22, 2009
Wow- time flies!
Things are full steam ahead for Miss Virginia. I am very excited about what's coming and looking forward to the week in Roanoke.
Last weekend I helped my college friend pack up her dorm room and move out. It gave me so many memories from last year when I went through the same process. Unfortunately it rained through the entire weekend so the graduation was inside, but we still had a good time and it was great to see some good friends from the class of 2009 move on to the next step in their lives.
I have also successfully completed my first year of graduate school! My last official responsibility was a research presentation that went very well; after weeks of hard work and frustration many lessons were learned about research and I was glad to be done.
So, it's now summer, but it hasn't really hit me yet. It's "Miss Virginia season" around here!
Saturday, May 9, 2009
Reality Show Dropped from Miss America
Check out Abby's Blog for more info.
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Special Olympics

On Monday I was really excited to be the emcee for the CVTC Special Olympics opening ceremony! It was really wonderful to get to meet some of the amazing athletes who were participating. I had never been to the CVTC grounds before and was really impressed by the size of everything! What a great facility helping so many people. I am so glad that I got to participate in this program, because it was truly rewarding, uplifting, and enjoyable. I also got to spend some time with Mati, the Hill City Outstanding Teen, which is always great!
Thank you for the opportunity to help out and best of luck to all the athletes!
Thursday, April 30, 2009
The AWARE program puts VT students into the local middle schools to talk about issues affecting young women. I've been a part of this program since moving here last fall. Last semester I worked with the 6th graders and this semester I was part of the 7th grade program. After a successful semester, we celebrated this last Monday by making t-shirts for everyone and enjoying food and games!
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Sharing a sponsor
One of my sponsors is Smithfield Plantation. I've had a few people ask me "where is that?!" Well, it's right in Blacksburg, on the Virginia Tech campus! Home of patriot William Preston, the plantation is set back on the far part of the VT campus beyond the Duck Pond. Smithfield is open for special events, school visits, and general visitors. It's a great way to experience some Virginia history right here in Blacksburg! As someone who is now proud to call the New River Valley my home, I'm happy to share one of the many interesting things to do in this area!
If you'd like to come out and see Smithfield for the first time, there's a great opportunity on June 7th. I'll be modeling in a the Strawberry Social and Fashion Show. A new event for this year! We will be partnering with Ponnie from Ponnie’s Boutique to model modern as well as vintage fashions. There will be refreshments (strawberry-themed) and a silent auction featuring work from local artists. Admission will be $15.
Smithfield's Website
Saturday, April 18, 2009

This week was a very special and sad time for Virginia Tech. We are nearing the end of the semester here and students are getting excited about graduation, spring weather, and summer opportunities. Some of the students in the class I TA have accepted wonderful job offers and have been driving to go sign contracts and leases, which in this economy is a great accomplishment. In general- people are uplifted.
That changed this Thursday, April 16. I cannot even imagine how the campus atmosphere was altered two years ago as 32 innocent people were killed on the campus on an otherwise average day at school. The outpouring of support and sense of community here has been incredible since I arrived here last fall, and this Thursday was no exception.
As I woke up in the morning, I was blown away by the hundreds of people covering the front of campus, participating in a walk/run to remember the victims. I spent the noon hour with a friend who was on campus when it happened. One of my students had told me on Wednesday that at the time, he lived on the floor above where the killing began. It was a horrible reminder of just how many people were touched by what happened. During the noon ceremony, the families of the victims as well as the injured students were escorted to special seating. Administrators read short biographies of the people who lost their lives two years ago. It was impossible to hold back emotion as you heard about each person- a Holocaust survivor, brilliant civil engineering graduate students, a skilled horsewoman, dedicated teachers. I was filled with frustration and anger at the senseless nature of it all. These people happened to attend class on April 16 and experienced something that no one else will understand. Imagine listening to the stories of 32 people and hearing the wonderful things they had done and planned to do. It is in some sad way a great example of the opportunities VT offers to its students and the close ties students and alumni have with this school.
Even though people have healed, they will never forget.
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Girl Scout Meeting
Little Black Dress Party
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Miss Virginia in the News
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Passing on the crown
While last weekend was the Miss Virginia workshop, it was also the Miss Commonwealth/Miss Virginia Dogwood pageant, the pageant held for runners up to local titles this year. On Friday night, we all packed into a ballroom at the Hotel Roanoke to watch ten women who worked extremely hard over the year compete. The entire night was full of great talent- and I had no idea who would walk away with the titles. Every girl brought something different to the table and they each have a lot to be proud of.
At the end of the night, I felt like I was reliving winning last year when Emily Hall's name was called as Miss Virginia Dogwood. She has worked tireless all year in this program and represents exactly what the runners up pageant is all about. I almost started crying when they called her name!
A few people asked me if I'd be willing to post my farewell up here, both for those who could come and those who couldn't. I've posted it below.
As you have all seen tonight, there are so many deserving women that would make wonderful representatives on the Miss Virginia stage and would make great additions to the Miss Virginia family in
As many of you saw last year, the tears and emotion I felt finally accomplishing my goal when winning
Team Commonwealth fought through many challenges to make it to Roanoke including driving through two tornados, being locked in the National D-Day Memorial, having to change my talent song and dance four weeks before Miss Virginia, and trying on 71 evening gowns trying to find something long enough for a contestant almost six feet tall. The week before Miss
I could never have anticipated how much fun the experience at Miss
The week at Miss Virginia would not have been the same without two people I now consider extremely close friends on and off the pageant stage, also known as my roommate and car partner, Shannon Oliver and Katie Uze. Both of these women share with me the ability to laugh at ourselves, encourage one another, and to enjoy the week win or lose. Katie and I even had some near-death experiences together- even though our car driver might have looked like a sweet grandmother, I think she was moonlighting as a race car driver because she may or may not have run a few red lights in downtown
Thank you to the staff at Randolph Macon and my wonderful second boss Esther, for your constant support and understanding. Thank you to Barbara and Carolyn for your constant support of me!
There is no way I could ever hope to thank my directors, Jimmy and Chris, for the job they did preparing me for Miss
Finally, thank you to my mom and brother Doug for all of your support and for refusing to let me give up. I don’t know any other 13 year old guy who would sport a tux for three nights patiently at Miss
Finally, thank you to everyone involved in putting together this pageant both this year and last. To the ladies competing, please do not give up even if the crown isn’t placed on your head tonight. The 11th time was the charm for me and I would not be where I am today if it wasn’t for this program. Have patience and keep working hard, because you will get there and the victory will be sweet and well-deserved.
These women have worked extremely hard all year and truly deserve another chance at competing in