Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Busy, busy busy

The last few weeks I have been running around like a chicken with its head cut off- or maybe a beauty queen with her crown off?

I've been trying to balance my schedule and adjust to my new job (which I genuinely like.)

I've been helping a group on campus get settled in and showing them around. They have several people in their group that need assistance when moving across far areas, so I've been walking them around in addition to checking in. They've needed a lot including copies, blankets late at night, and me to deal with a potential security risk last night at about 10:30. I usually don't stay up very late because I'm a morning person, but I'm learning to stick it out a while longer when a group is on campus so I can make sure they all get to bed okay. It's like being a mother of sixty currently!

All I will say about Miss Virginia is that I am working extremely hard! There are some exciting changes in store for me on that stage and some wonderful gowns, but for now they will remain under wraps!

Enjoy your Memorial Day weekend!

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