Monday, January 21, 2008

It's travel time

On my trip to Hawaii, I was reminded that just a year earlier I was enjoying Barcelona, Spain. I think there’s just something about January that makes us northern-born people ready for a trip to a warm climate. Although I’m adjusted to cold climates, it is so nice to travel to somewhere where the sun shines and swimming is an option. Coming from Ohio, where winter lasts from Mid-October to early April (if you’re lucky), settling in for that long season of snow and ice is sometimes depressing.

So, while a lot of people don’t travel during this time, many people get the travel itch and start planning their own trips out of the area. Many college students I know have begun planning their graduation cruises (I myself plan to go on one!) and many others are anxious to have a vacation planned.

If I can keep up with it, I’ll include some pictures from my travels during the last two years and profile difference places that I have been, for those that didn’t read my former blog during my time in England and for all those preparing to travel in the next few months.

First up is Hawaii, which I hope to finish later tonight!

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